How to Use a Debit Card

Debit cards are the same as credit cards and there are many similar practical things. Not a lot of money (if you want to go to 'old school') is a paper check. However, there is a big difference between credit cards and debit cards. These differences can affect how and where you use them. If you have a debit card before deciding whether to use a debit or debit card with your bank, you should consider how the bank card transaction works and what is the best way for your bank. Not only income, but also personal financial stability.

Select and Using a Card

Understanding Fundamentals A bank card is similar to a credit card and generally performs the same transaction but offers funds in different ways. Do not use it as a telephone option when opening your wallet.
  • Of course, every time you use a credit card, you have to borrow to avoid interest payments on your balance and you have to pay the full costs when you are done.
  • A bank card, on the other hand, is linked to a bank account and can be taken directly from the account if it is used. Unlike a credit card, you can not spend money on your account (except protection).
  • You can use a debit card where credit cards are available. You decide whether you should do this.
Find the best card Banks and credit unions want every customer / member to have a bank card (because the rates are lower and more useful). It is recommended that you buy and read prints because the protection and costs associated with debit cards may vary, depending on the publisher.

Carefully study all costs that are connected to your card. This may include annual fees and commissions. Some comparative purchases significantly reduce the cost of your cards, allowing you to explore the area.

Some banks offer incentives for purchase by debit cards that "rotate and sign" for the reasons explained later in this document, including bonuses and cash registers. Purchase a compensation plan that suits you best.

Pay attention to the available resources. With credit cards you can worry about writing the best score for returning the full amount at the end of your application. On a payment card, you need to understand how your connected account is still available, whether you do not want to refuse the transaction or make short-term payments.

Since debit transactions (especially PIN users) will be repaired as soon as possible, it may take some time before money is added to your account to pay the service. In general, your credit card will be refused if you do not have sufficient funds.

Many banks are at the comfort of hidden coverage and may need to be registered (you can not choose if you do not). Discovery Protection protects against turbulence and allows you to purchase at reduced rates, causing defects in the refused cards.
But this happens every time the overflow transactions exceed several times. For example, if you do not have enough money and bank charges for an overdraft of $ 25 for each transaction, you can buy coffee on other sites, newspapers, morning gum can cost $ 75 extra.

Before you accept, carefully review the details of the detected security plan. The best way is to carefully manage the balance and not to spend what you do not need.

Consider when you do not use a debit card. As mentioned above, you can use bank cards where credit cards are available. But that does not mean that I have to use it alternately. The biggest problem is fraud and possible liability.

According to US federal UU law, the biggest responsibility for credit card transactions (for example a card or stolen number) is US $ 50 in the US. UU. And there are no restrictions to submit a claim. hours to get a $ 50 limit. In the period of between two and sixty days you are faced with the problem of all fraudulent transactions up to $ 500.
Banks walk around and ask when they choose the cards because they can offer a better service than a minimum level of fraud protection for bank cards.

Fraud with bank cards can be more complicated and harmful to your financial situation, even if you protect yourself. A credit card or stolen information can lead to depletion of the account balance. That is why you have to work for a long time to deal with this. As a result, you may need to use a credit card instead of a bank card if:

Buy online if you do not trust the security level of your site.

By using public self-service terminals, such as terminals of service stations or even ATMs, criminals can set up 'thieves' to verify the information on the card. Do not read any card equipment that appears to be particularly damaged, inconsistent, or inappropriate.

Full transaction

Remember your PIN code When using this card, make sure you select a 4-digit PIN code as a security measure for all payment cards. As passwords for your online accounts you must create a pin code that you remember, but it is difficult to identify for criminals. For example, do not use "1234" or a date of birth of 4 years.

You must always enter your PIN code to use a debit card for debit cards. When entering your card and code, pay attention to any evidence that the voyeur or scraper is affected, for example inconsistencies between the device or the device.

If you buy with a bank card, you can use a pin code or a sign with a name, for example with a credit card. Continue with the next two steps to see the pros and cons of each option.

Hold the card and enter the PIN code (option). For example, if you use a bank card with a senior ticket manager, the card reader usually asks if you want to make a payment with "debit" or "credit" when the card is issued. If you select "Debit", you must enter a PIN code to complete the transaction.

Regardless of whether you use a scoring or signature service, the available balance on your bank account denies transactions with debit cards. However, PIN transactions usually go faster until the end of the day.

Draw a card and mark your name (as another option). Debit cards can be used as if the employee needs a credit card to complete the transaction, do not enter the PIN code. Keep in mind, however, that the credit company deals with costs that apply to linked accounts. To pay, you must use a credit card.

Preparation of chip technology. In Europe, credit cards have been transferred with the help of integrated chip technology for security (instead of cleaning up the chip) in many parts of Asia and in many parts of the world outside the United States. Finally I went to a debit card.