How to Choose Credit Cards

When buying a new credit card, pay attention to the options that the card offers. You will be charged for the use of the card. Read the credit card label and the terms of the contract carefully to read the terms of use. Low speed sends a letter or bonus. Low or high initial interest rates must be yours, but they expire in a few months and give you the cards that you do not choose.

Check the interest rates. In all other things that may affect the decision of your credit card, the interest rates on your card may be the most important. Why are your interests so important? Interest rates on credit cards are very important for long-term payments. If you balance the balance between a month and so on, the lowest speed, the card with one tail. The benefits are easy math for you. Pay $ 1,000 with a 6% interest card, then pay a minimum payment ($ 30 per month for the payment) and $ 1097 for the payment. If you complete a payment of the same amount of $ 1000, which is 24%, you will pay a maximum of $ 1,332. Please note that interest rates may affect the amount you pay for overdue credit cards. Get the lowest interest rates.

See if you have to pay annual costs. This card can pay annual costs in addition to the monthly interest rates. Look, this value is worth it? Did you pay the commission for more credit card benefits? This is useful for you. If the card does not have hatred, heavy fines and extra high gifts, it may not be worth it.

See what your fines and costs are. If you do not, especially on payday, look for a valid, late or missing card. If you lose your payment within one day, a maximum of USD 35 will be charged for late payment. Other high commissions may include fees that exceed the limit. Therefore, be careful when choosing a good letter. The best option is to choose a cheap card and save money and money ....

Note the credit limit or credit limit of these cards. Because the credit assessment depends on your usage situation, the credit limit is usually high. Pay $ 250 on a $ 5000 card, everything is fine. If you run the same $ 250 on your card with a $ 300 limit, using more available credits will cause your credit score to flow to your nose. If you have a good credit, you can specify different credit limits for different companies. If you look at the business application, you get top-level information about the proposed loan. If you really need a credit limit of $ 5,000, do not violate the application for cards up to $ 1,000.

Consider your loan goal. What is your credit target? Why would you like to use a credit card? Do you want to make the balance for the first time? That is why student cards are a good choice, especially when you are at the university. The ability to make low start credits and your credit history, take the time to create credits.

Check whether your card gives you a reward or benefit. If you travel a lot, we recommend using a map that you can use for travel planning. Is it a world like Disney? Select a visa sponsored by Disney and receive a refund for the next trip. If you use a service or product from a company with a large credit card, you can earn rewards for using the card. If you do not have a specific wallet, look for a card that offers money or another savings plan. Earn money for a year or receive an annual payment with a card with a reward. The price card is easy to use, but the stones, coupons or packages provided for the card are not the main reason you chose them. Check your interests, fines and costs before you register.

Your personal preferences, credit history, how you use cards, have the biggest impact on the cards you offer and the cards that suit you best. Ask for the card that suits you best and check it before signing. If you register early, you can solve excessive payments and make a decision quickly.